Marra Dreaming is a not-for-profit cultural centre that has been in operation for nineteen years. It is run predominately by and for Aboriginal people as well as the wider community.
Our community centre gives Aboriginal people an avenue to strengthen their self-esteem, develop skills through new and positive experiences and enhance community ties by modelling community development initiatives.
One of our main aims is to foster and promote Aboriginal culture and healing through art and craft activities which engage Aboriginal people who may be facing personal hardships including social isolation, family dysfunction, economic disadvantage, disabilities and mental health issues.
Marra Dreaming assists in the strengthening of Aboriginal families and communities by building resilience and community capacity, promoting community harmony and functioning, advocacy and leadership development within the Northern Adelaide region.
An Aboriginal community hub established under the guidance of local Aboriginal Elders, such as Marra Dreaming, builds grass roots community connections and healthy relationships. Our centre has become a hub of community life and spirit, creating community identity.
Marra Dreaming relies on grants, workshops, commissions from the sale of artworks and the generosity of others to continue running programs for the local community.
If you are interested in enhancing your company's public profile by supporting an Aboriginal community centre through sponsorship or if you would like to discuss other sponsorship options please call us on (08) 8285 2311 or email us at indigenousarts@marradreaming.com.au
Listed below are the sponsorship packages that are available.